Figure 1. Gypsophila paniculata
Baby’s breath
Figure 2. Microtus Ochrogaster (pneumothorax)
Prairie vole (collapsed lung)
Figure 3. C. aurantifolia pica
Key lime pie
Figure 4. Obynterra diplococcus
Non-existent organism named after the artist, Robyn
Figure 5. Anantitus ignus (epithelial cell mitotis)
Non-existent organism named after a dear friend, without whom this work would not be what it is now.
Figure 6. C. reticula gelu
Orange jelly
Figure 7. G. barbadense succarum
Cotton candy
Figure 8.Phagocytosis by macrophage
A macrophage engulfing an organism
Figure 9. V. cyanococcus pica
Blueberry pie
Figure 10. Archilochus colubris (heart)
Ruby throated humming bird (heart)
Figure 11. Kranionum morturarius
Non-existent organism named after Death